martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Lo Sabia - I know it haha

Lo sabia estos todos dos tenian un proyecto entre manos
tanto tiempo juntos haha salio algo bueno Blake es la nueva
cara de Chanel !Me Encanto Esta Noticia! literal
We all knew these two had a project in handhaha so much time together went something good Blake is the newface of Chanel! I love this news! haha really

2 comentarios:

  1. I knew this was going to happen. She is always talking about how she loves Chanel. It was only a matter of time:)

    Im following on Bloglovin. :)

  2. know! i also think something will happen louboutin like 3 weeks ago bought 40 pairs and has its own model name haha next season we will see a lot of blake . but she it's like carismatic so its ok
    Thanks for following me on bloglovin
